AppWrapr Pricing

It’s free to try AppWrapr and if you decide you love it and want to keep your fully-branded mobile app(s), the following pay-as-you-go Monthly Support Plans help us provide you with excellent service and keep on the lights! Note: We’ll soon be launching a Voting Feature where Members can vote on which new features we add to AppWrapr each week.

Basic Plan


messaging credits

Pushes, Inbox & Text Messages
Ticket, Email + Chat Support

$29/yr (50% savings)

Premium Plan


messaging credits

Pushes, Inbox & Text Messages
Ticket, Email, Chat & Phone Support

$59/yr (50% savings)

Pro Plan


messaging credits

Pushes, Inbox, Texts & Emails
Mon-Sun Tier 1 Priority Support

$149/yr (50% savings)

The Pro Plan also includes API access, which is helpful in programming Push Notifications to trigger and send on certain actions - like when a Customer makes a purchase or if you post new content on your main website, etc.

White-label, Branded AppWrapr + ChattrBox Ultimate Messaging Package
Includes your own online Admin Console (ie. website) + 2 Mobile App(s) for the App Store & Google Play - with your company’s name & branding.
$299 for one-time setup fee + $25+/mo (with 12 mo subscription) or $50/mo (month-to-month). Learn more

AppWrapr + ChattrBox Enterprise
While AppWrapr + ChattrBox is a fairly new service, it’s based on technology our founders have been providing to multi-million and multi-billion dollar clients for years. Our team will work with yours to implement a customized solution with the features that fit your exact needs - with very fast turn-around times. Email us at or call us at 312-857-3511 (Chicago Local) to speak with a member of our team.

powered by ChattrBox

AppWrapr is a White-Label technology we created to help Customers take full advantage of the full-power of ChattrBox. Messaging + Notifications can be tricky and it’s really best to have your own platform, so the sender name is always your brand.

But, we couldn’t just give Customers a White-Label App without helping them blend their existing website, brand and digital stack. So, AppWrapr allows you to pull in any existing web-page(s) - and even give them their own buttons, Menu links, etc.
ChattrBox Pictorial

We’d love to learn more about your project or idea. Fill out the form below to schedule a time with someone from the ChattrBox Team.

A confirmation e-mail will be sent to you & you can scroll back to this bottom section to see if your message was successfully sent.