AppWrapr Requirements

Here's a quick list of all the info we need to create your new AppWrapr. For reference, here's screenshots of every single screen/page that we offer:

Please start to get all this info and these images together - we're finishing up a simple feature inside the website where you'll be able to upload your images and quickly enter the text for each item below - this will help our App Production Team quickly and efficiently make you App(s).

1. First and foremost, we need your approval to publish your App(s) in the App Store and Google Play. Please email We will not even start your App(s) until we receive this. You'll still get the final say on whether or not we publish it as a final step

2. App Title (Required)

3. App Icon Title (ie. in case the App Name is too long) - Required

4. Up to 3 optional website link(s) you want to display in your App, include:

- - - Menu Link Name (website url the link should go to)
- - - Menu Link Name (website url the link should go to)
- - - Menu Link Name (website url the link should go to)

5. URLs/Links to your Privacy Page (if you have one) - if not, we'll have to create one for you

6. Text for your About, FAQs and Contact page(s)

7. Are there any pages that you'd like to hide?

8. Logos & Images


We'll let you review both of your Apps (for iOS/App Store and Android/Google Play) and give us the final approval to go ahead and publish it in both App Stores. Note: We also reserve the right to choose not to publish your app if we feel that it is offensive or not up to our quality standards, etc. 

Revisions to your AppWrapr App(s) & Re-Submission to the App Stores

Editing images, text, titles, etc. is fairly easily in mobile apps (the way we engineered AppWrapr that is), however, most of these types of changes do require a re-build (ie. re-compiling) of your App(s) then re-submitting for approval to the App Stores. This type of extra labor typically requires a small for editing, revisions and re-submission. Currently, this is $10.