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ΛppWrapr Fractional Partners

Friday May 12, 2023 - If you join today, we'll double your buy-in and guarantee your first monthly payout at 2X your Buy-In. So if you buy-in for $100, you'll receive $200 on Wednesday, May 31, 2023.
5/21/2023 - Wanna turn $100 into $1M? We’re giving away 10% of our Chicago-based technology company AppWrapr at a super aggressive $100k valuation - much less than the $1M that we’ll debut it on WeFunder at next week when we make our crowd-funding public. We’d like a foundation of Chicago peeps and creatives first - as we get ready to really go after an untapped market segment.

In short, there are about 2M Mobile Apps in the world - compared to 700M+ active websites and we’ve developed a combination of technologies to change all that - fast. Not only is AppWrapr already over 50% automated, but we can produce fully-branded, $500k mobile apps (for both App Stores) in about 15 minutes on average (with multiple team members doing different parts simultaneously).

On top of that, if we wanted to - we could just give away a DIY Mobile App “Kit’ where anybody could make their own Mobile App(s) in about 15 minutes (using our source code, frameworks and templates).

So, the idea is to build momentum until the AppWrapr brand is more established, then just build a massive waiting list for the source-code if the demand is more than we can handle. And, we could then use all of this to force an acquisition.

Simply put, Mobile Apps offer things that websites don’t - it’s just an unavoidable fact. And, better to accept it and profit from it - especially if it helps people than to be stubborn and keep denying it until some undeserving VC-backed startup does some half-ass job of exploiting this and gets super rich in the process...

We created AppWrapr as a way to expand your digital strategy and stack - not to replace websites. In fact, we engineered it so it could pull any existing website or web-pages into your App instantly - thus, blending your existing digital footprint with your App. So, pretty much anybody with a website could benefit from having an AppWrapr too. And, there are 30M+ active small-to-medium businesses out there that could truly utilize an AppWrapr right now.

Once enough people “see” what we’re doing though and how we’re doing it, we know there will be a lot of copy-cats and we aren’t stupid so we’re going to try to get the company acquired asap and get all our Fractional Partners paid - and we’re already in contact with a few multi-billion dollar partner companies who we think would be perfect targets - including GoDaddy, Square, Wix and Squarespace.

So we just have to start acquiring marketshare and getting this out there fast. That’s where you come in. Help us spread the word and throw some money into the mix and let’s all collectively force AppWrapr into relevance the same way VCs force horrible startups and tech into relevance every day. Here are the benefits of becoming a Fractional Partner:

  • Ownership Equity Shares in AppWrapr, Inc.
  • Profit-sharing payouts each month
  • Guaranteed +50% return/mo. for first year*
  • Additional equity for referring sales
  • Plus, your own Custom VIP AppWrapr**

* guaranteed for the first 10% of buy-ins only. That means if you buy-in at $100, you’ll receive at least $50/month for 11 months starting next month - or $550 total guaranteed.

** with unlimited bulk-push notifications + free SMS Text Messages + $0/mo Support for life

A $100 buy-in would vest you with 250,000 Equity Shares fully vested, which means if we reach a valuation of or get acquired for $1B or more, your cash-out would be $1M.

$ Program Overview - Learn more


If you’d like to speak to one or more members from our team or would like a tour and demo of the ChattrBox Platform and Services, please feel free to email us at or call us at 312-857-3511 (Chicago Local).

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