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Wait List - $1B Giveaway

Ok, we know a Billion sounds crazy and not possible...but it seems like so many stupid companies these days become billion-dollar companies and we have some legitimate technology and partnerships that give us a real chance to become one ourselves.

So, this promotion is more about you than it is us. People are the ones who make those companies billion-dollar companies - and do they really give anything back to the Customers who got them there? No. So, we think that if people, Customers got behind AppWrapr/ChattrBox that anything is possible - because what can’t a massive group of people do once they start to put their mind to one common goal?

Not only are we giving 75% of the Company back to our Customers, but we’ve also set 20% of the company aside and will give it to one lucky Customer if and when ChattrBox gets acquired. Our target acquisition goal is $5B, so if and when we reach it, we’ll hire an impartial Accounting Firm to conduct the drawing.

Before we get into that, the first 10,000 free Members (who sign up for an AppWrapr or just sign up for the official ChattrBox App) will get 2,500 complimentary Equity Shares in ChattrBox - absolutely free.

Those shares today are only worth $10, but if we sell for our target goal of $5B, they’d be worth $50k and if we only sell for $1B then they’d be worth $10k. So, if you help us spread the word, then you could be getting an easy $10k soon.

Sidenote: If you’re wondering what ChattrBox and the ChattrBox App is - basically, it’s 2 things. A bulk-messaging platform with a cloud (ie. website) service that helps you instantly bulk-message thousands of people free (like Customers, Followers, Members, Employees, etc). We built it because email sucks. And, we also make a Mobile App that acts sort of like a super simple Social Media platform that lets you send bulk-messages and bulk-notifications in real-time to your followers - which none of the other famous Social Media companies really do. We aren’t trying to be a Social Media company or like them - just give people the messaging power that they don’t and won’t give you.

Ok, back to this $1 Billion thing. To keep it fair and make your chances insane, we’re capping entries at 1,000,000. So you’ll basically have a 1 out of a million chance to win a billion. And, a 1 out of 200,000 chance if you earn 5 entries.

And, if we don’t sell for our target goal, one Customer will still get a cash value equal to 20%.

In addition, we’re allotting another 5% to additional prizes, so there’s not just one winner. Plus, you’ll also receive Equity Shares and monthly payouts based on those equity shares up until ChattrBox is acquired. Simple.

That way everybody isn’t just sitting around twiddling their thumbs wondering if we’ll just flame out. But, hopefully the monthly payouts motivate everyone to really get behind ChattrBox and help spread the word, so we do get acquired for $1-$5B.

There are currently around 2M active Mobile Apps in the world compared to 700M+ active websites. So, if we made our code live tonight on Github and did a 5 minute video about how to switch out your images, links and content to make your own AppWrapr, then imagine how many new Mobile Apps we could help put into the world...lots.

That’s why we know with the help of the people, we could easily be a $5B company. Only we aren’t greedy and going to raise the money just for us. We’re going to spread the wealth. And, we just think it would be cool to make one lucky Customer who supported us - a billionaire, instead of it always being some ...well, you know. It’s never been done before. And, we like doing things that have never been done before.

We’ll be posting more details about how it all works soon...

So, reserve your spot now and join us for what we hope will be a wild, wild ride!  

How to Get Entries

1. Buy +Bump Points to jump up the Wait List and earn complimentary entries*

2. Sign up for one of our AppWrapr Upgrades & Add-Ons and earn complimentary entries*

* If you don’t want or need the AppWrapr you can gift +Bump Points to someone or we’ll gift them to someone or some awesome business for you. And, you’ll still get the entries and equity.


If you’d like to speak to one or more members from our team or would like a tour and demo of the ChattrBox Platform and Services, please feel free to email us at or call us at 312-857-3511 (Chicago Local).

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